L’équipe de la NASA chargée de la mission Lucy achève la première étape du déploiement des panneaux solaires.

Déploiement de Lucy

Le vaisseau spatial Lucy de la NASA déploie ses panneaux solaires. Crédit : Centre de vol spatial Goddard de la NASA.

Le 9 mai, ;” data-gt-translate-attributes=”[{” attribute=””>NASA’s Lucy team executed the first of two planned steps in its efforts to complete the deployment of the spacecraft’s unlatched solar array. This first step was time-limited and was intended to validate that the team’s ground testing adequately represented the flight system’s performance, rather than to latch the solar array.

The results are currently being analyzed to see if they are consistent with ground testing. The team will determine the next steps for the deployment effort after reviewing the data. The second step is tentatively scheduled for approximately a month after the first.

Lancée le 16 octobre 2021, Lucy est la première mission spatiale qui explorera les astéroïdes troyens. Il s’agit d’une population de petits corps issus de la formation du système solaire. Ils mènent ou suivent Jupiter in their orbit around the Sun, and may tell us about the origins of organic materials on Earth. Lucy will fly by and carry out remote sensing on six different Trojan asteroids and will study surface geology, surface color, and composition, asteroid interiors/bulk properties, and will look at the satellites and rings of the Trojans. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center

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