Cette semaine @NASA : Lancement d’une nouvelle mission autour de la Lune

Gateway in Orbit Around the Moon
Gateway en orbite autour de la Lune

Gateway, une future station spatiale qui orbitera autour de la Lune dans le cadre du programme Artemis de la NASA.

Lancement d’une nouvelle mission autour de la Lune …

Préparer le Space Launch System pour son premier vol …

Et désamarrage d’un vaisseau spatial de ravitaillement de la station spatiale …

Quelques-unes des histoires à vous raconter – This Week at NASA!

Lancement de Capstone pour tester une orbite unique autour de la Lune

3, 2, 1 … et décollage !

Le 28 juin, CAPSTONE a été lancé à bord de la fusée Electron de Rocket Lab depuis la Nouvelle-Zélande.

Après un voyage de 4 mois, le petit vaisseau spatial arrivera sur son orbite lunaire, où il servira d’éclaireur pour Gateway, une future station spatiale qui gravitera autour de la Lune dans le cadre de notre programme Artemis.

Les données de CAPSTONE sur cette orbite unique, en forme de halo, aideront à réduire les risques pour les futurs vaisseaux spatiaux.

Cette mission, qui est détenue et exploitée par Advanced Space pour la NASA, permettra également de valider des technologies de navigation innovantes.

Artemis I termine les répétitions générales et se rapproche du lancement.

La NASA a terminé la campagne de répétitions générales de la fusée Space Launch System de l’agence (SLS) and Orion spacecraft.

During the final rehearsal on June 20 at our Kennedy Space Center in Florida, teams were able to confirm the timelines and procedures for launch.

Next, we’ll roll the SLS rocket back to the Vehicle Assembly Building to prepare for the Artemis I flight test currently targeted for launch in late August 2022.

Cygnus Resupply Spacecraft Departs the International Space Station

On June 28, Northrop Grumman’s uncrewed Cygnus spacecraft successfully departed from the International Space Station after more than four months at the orbiting outpost.

After launching from our Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia, Cygnus arrived at the station in February, delivering 8,300 pounds of supplies, scientific investigations, and other cargo to the orbiting laboratory.

It was the company’s 17th commercial resupply services mission to the space station for NASA.

NASA Tech Helps Firefighters Prepare for Fire Season

This spring, researchers with NASA’s Scalable Traffic Management for Emergency Response Operations (STEReO) project tested prototype tools with the goal of making wildland firefighting safer.

Both crewed aircraft and unmanned aircraft systems, or drones, are regularly used to coordinate firefighting efforts.

STEReO’s prototype device focuses on notifying these drone pilots of the positions of crewed aircraft, allowing them to stay safely out of the way.

Mirror Completes for NASA’s Antarctic Balloon Mission

Commercial partner Media Lario has completed critical components for NASA’s ASTHROS Mission.

The high-altitude balloon will carry a telescope unit with an 8.2-foot primary mirror 130,000 feet above Antarctica.

The mirror will enhance ASTHROS’ ability to study stellar feedback, a phenomenon that halts star formation in some galaxies.

ASTHROS is set to launch no earlier than December 2023.

That’s what’s up this week @NASA

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