Le vaisseau d’équipage Starliner de Boeing est vu quelques instants après son amarrage au port avant de la Station spatiale internationale sur le module Harmony. Crédit : NASA TV
Le vaisseau spatial CST-100 Starliner de Boeing s’est amarré avec succès au module Harmony de la Station spatiale internationale pour la première fois le 20 mai 2022 à 20 h 28 EDT (17 h 28 PDT). Starliner a été lancé à bord d’une fusée Atlas V de United Launch Alliance lors d’un essai en vol vers la Station spatiale internationale à 18 h 54 le jeudi 19 mai depuis le Space Launch Complex-41 de la station spatiale de Cap Canaveral en Floride.
Le vaisseau spatial Boeing Starliner non piloté s’est amarré à la Station spatiale internationale le 20 mai après avoir été lancé depuis la station spatiale de Cap Canaveral en Floride le 19 mai. L’OFT-2 (Orbital Flight Test-2) de Boeing restera à la station pour réaliser une série d’objectifs de test avant de quitter le complexe le 25 mai où il atterrira au White Sands Space Harbor, au Nouveau-Mexique. Ce vol d’essai est le précurseur d’un futur vol d’essai en équipage du Starliner. Crédit : ;” data-gt-translate-attributes=”[{” attribute=””>NASA
NASA will host a media teleconference to give an update on Starliner’s progress tonight at approximately 9:30 p.m. Friday, May 20 where it will be streamed live on NASA’s website. Participants include:
- Kathryn Lueders, associate administrator, NASA Space Operations Mission Directorate
- Steve Stich, manager, NASA’s Commercial Crew Program
- Joel Montalbano, manager, NASA’s International Space Station Program
- Mark Nappi, vice president and program manager, Boeing Commercial Crew Program

Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft approaches the International Space Station on the Orbital Flight Test-2 mission. Credit: NASA TV
Starliner’s hatch opening is scheduled to begin at approximately 11:45 a.m. Saturday, May 21. Coverage of hatch opening will air live on NASA Television, the NASA app, and the agency’s website.
Saturday, May 21
- 11:30 a.m. – NASA TV hatch opening coverage begins
- 11:45 a.m. – (approximately) Hatch opening and welcoming remarks
Starliner is scheduled to depart the space station Wednesday, May 25, when it will undock and return to Earth, with a desert landing in the western U.S. The spacecraft will return with more than 600 pounds of cargo, including Nitrogen Oxygen Recharge System reusable tanks that provide breathable air to station crew members. The tanks will be refurbished on Earth and sent back to station on a future flight.
Following certification, NASA missions aboard Starliner will carry up to four crew members to the station, enabling the continued expansion of the crew and increasing the amount of science and research that can be performed aboard the orbiting laboratory.
OFT-2 will provide valuable data for NASA certifying Boeing’s crew transportation system for regular flights with astronauts to and from the space station.